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Tianjin University
Tianjin, CHINA
B.A Chinese Literature
Sep. 2019 - Jun. 2024
National Chengchi University
Taipei, Taiwan
Exchange Student
Feb. 2023 - Jun. 2023
I believe in those who are willing to love and feel joy.
Using creation as a way to record my existence, I am gifted in observing and documenting, while the motivation and process are often unconscious. Perhaps I believe that the world never develops according to any "purpose," but rather, the implication naturally reveals itself in the act of seeing.
但如果你問我What’s in my bag?
一直以來,我都被一種有限性的思維方式所困執,一面要求完美, 一面又荒謬地不願意花時間心力去盡善盡美。而其實,我想告訴自己的是,美是無限的,創造力是無限的,愛亦是無限的。“利他”不是庸俗的。
For a long time, I have been trapped in a limited way of thinking, demanding perfection on one hand, yet absurdly unwilling to invest the most time and the best effort to achieve it.
But in truth, what I want to tell myself is that beauty is infinite, creativity is infinite, and love is also infinite.
"Altruism" is not mundane. Only by breaking free from this fixation can one possibly reach the infinite.
Everything here could be the path I must take to help myself arrive at the infinite.