
FOR ME, the reason to buy a camera isn't to become a photographer, but to become someone who takes photos. And the reason for taking photos, lies in capturing, expressing, and pausing. The moment the shutter is pressed is the moment of judgment. Any form of work is almost an attempt to convey something to viewers in another time and space—what I see at this moment, what I feel, and how I decide to process these perceptions. Turning the ephemeral into something lasting is, I suppose, a way for humans, with our limited physical forms and memories, to live out the infinite. 
Being highly sensitive and contemplative, most of the time, "beauty" is the most straightforward criterion I use to decide whether to preserve a moment in memory. Without overthinking the intent, it's simply because my eyes are drawn to it, and because my experience tells me that—this moment is worth a pause.

分門別類,請點進去 Click to see ;)

家  The Valley Where I Live

膠捲 Film 香港
Hong Kong, 2023

Kenting, 2023

天津 & 武漢 & 長沙
Tianjin, Wuhan, Changsha, 2023

Japan, 2024

在旅途中  Through the Journeys  京都 & 奈良
Kyoto & Nara, 2024

Taiwan, 2023

西雙版納 & 琅勃拉邦 & 普洱
Xishuangbanna&Luang Prabang&Puer, 2024

雲南 & 新疆
Yunnan & Xinjiang, 2022,

Hengshan Mountain, Hunan, 2022

想像 Imagination 生長  Growing Things

靜止  Stillness

潮濕靜謐 Moisture & Tranquility

荡漾 Beneath

xiaohongshu: Sachiko
Instagram: saaaaachikooo
Email: wxt201030@163.com
